Summer – the most awesomeness time of the year! BBQs, gatherings, vacations, it’s the best is it not??

Summer = vacation mode… not just for summer fun, but many of us give ourselves a pass on what we eat and drink as well. ‘Vacation diet mode’!

Then comes September… back to school, back to work, back to reality.

Yet, after months of indulgence, it can be difficult to get back into the healthy mindset… we can get stuck in ‘vacation diet mode’….

belly bloat

…and the belly bloat, body aches and mental boxing match that come with it!

You feeling any of this?

Perhaps obviously, the ideal would be to not indulge with ‘vacation diet mode’ at all… but we aren’t living in the ideal, we are just trying to stop eating those damn cookies left over from our Labor Day party!

Fret no more… here are a few of my favorite tips for breaking out of ‘vacation diet mode’ and getting back into a healthy routine…

  • Get the tempting foods out of your house! Still have those previously mentioned Labor Day party cookies on the counter, ice cream in the fridge, chips in the cupboard? Toss them! If that would cause a family revolt or threats of divorce, then just get it out of your sight! You can’t eat what you can’t see (well you can, but you get my point)!
  • Drink lots of water. Especially if you’ve been sucking down mostly beer and cider all summer… time to flush that system with lots of water. Aim for half your body weight in ounces per day – so if you weigh 160 lbs, try to get 80 ounces of water down your gullet daily. Get a jump start by sucking down a full glass (or two) first thing when you wake in the morning.
  • Now that you’ve gotten rid of the junk food and are flooding your organs with life giving water, time to go shopping for healthy food! Load up on the veggies. Unsure what qualifies as healthy these days? Contact me and I’ll send you a pdf of healthy options in each food group.
  • RE-establish your daily routine. During summer vacations, we get out of our normal routine and it can be tough to get back to them. Start by:
    • Getting to bed early and rising early.
    • Remember to drink that water upon waking!
    • SCHEDULE time for exercise.
    • SCHEDULE time for healthy meal prep.
    • SCHEDULE time for mindful stress reduction – journaling, mediation or whatever you find helps reduce your stress levels.

I could go on, but these are my favorites at the moment and this is more than enough to get most of you started and back on track. Try one thing at a time, remember baby steps are where it’s at!

If you are feeling stuck, unmotivated or confused, that’s where coaching can help. Hit one of the links below to get in touch with me to learn if I’m a good fit to help on your journey.

PS – don’t wait to long to get back on track… those ghouls and goblins (and all their evil candy) are coming for you in October! Followed by that giant turkey of a feast in November and your aunt’s dreaded fruit cake in December! Then there’s that darn New Year’s Eve party waiting for you to boot! Let’s get this train back on that track! 🙂

(Disclaimer: These tips are intended for informational purposes only. They are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.)