The Real Culprit: Emotional Energy
Our emotional energy is at the core of everything we do.
Understanding your core thoughts, feelings and resulting action in any scenario is key to making change.
For example, how you respond when someone brings donuts to work will differ greatly depending how in control you feel of your eating habits.
Will you shrug it off or will it torture you until you have one… then beat yourself up…
Once we start to recognize our energetic response, we can take steps to change it, and therefore our circumstances.
That’s why all new clients begin with an Energy Leadership Index Assessment.
We’ll review your results together and create a plan that gets to your core energy, where you can then create real, lasting change.
*Energetic Self-Perception Chart Copyright iPEC, used with permission.
Catabolic vs Anabolic Energy
You’re probably very familiar with catabolic energy and don’t even know it.
Ever meet someone who seems to always be in a bad mood, who creates tension wherever they go? That’s catabolic energy in a nutshell. This energy of worry, frustration and blame is ultimately destructive and, if left unchecked, can create a depressing, toxic environment.
In contrast, ANABOLIC ENERGY is constructive and fuels creativity. Someone operating in the anabolic energy range has the ability to motivate and inspire others, influence positive outcomes and create incredible change within every area of their life – INCLUDING HEALTH AND FITNESS.
Energy levels at a glance
Energy influences how we act because it forms the “lens” through which we perceive the world.
For example, if you believe that life is conspiring against your efforts to change eating habits – that’s catabolic energy. I mean come on, it’s summer – the time of BBQs, campouts, vacations – how am I supposed to eat healthy during summer? Then comes fall and we have Halloween, followed immediately by Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years parties. Holy hell. Wait, then comes Valentines Day, then Easter, then Memorial Day… OMG now it’s summer again! AHHH! HOW AM I EVER SUPPOSED TO LOSE WEIGHT???!!!
However, if you believe that life is full of opportunities – opportunities to grow, to challenge yourself, to prove your resolve – you will WELCOME all it has to offer because you are in control! That’s anabolic energy.
The ELI Assessment uses seven different energy “levels” to describe the types of energy a person experiences and expresses. Here’s how someone experiencing each level of energy might react in situations where they are trying to change their eating habits.
Level 1: Lack of choice. Victim energy. I can’t. I have to. Fearful.
“I can’t lose weight. I’ve tried and always fail. Plus, I just can’t seem to resist the tempting food that’s around me all the time.”
Level 2: Anger. Combativeness. Resisting or fighting energy.
“If Joe tries to offer me a donut one more time, I might punch him in the face!”
Level 3: Rationalizing. Fine.
“I eat okay. I mean, it’s not perfect, but it’s not like I’m eating pizza every night or anything. Could be a lot worse for sure.”
Level 4: Care. Compassion. Service to others.
“I’m doing really well with healthy eating actually. I feel so much better and I’m starting to help some family members learn to eat like me too. I find that helping them strengthens me even more in my journey.”
Level 5: Reconciliation. Win-win. There’s no good or bad or right or wrong.
“We are hosting a get together this weekend and I’m making sure that there is a variety of foods for everyone. Food that I feel confident eating AND that I know they will enjoy as well.”
Level 6: Synthesis. Wisdom. Joy.
“Everyone, everything has a purpose. Joe offering me that donut is just Joe trying to be nice and share an experience. I love that about him and appreciate his kindness.”
Level 7: Complete passion for all aspects of life. Oneness.
“I feel complete passion and joy in this, and all situations. I create my reality.”
While you might notice that level 1 and 2 are largely catabolic and probably won’t bring about the greatest results, there’s no “good” or “bad” energy per se.
Each type of energy has inherent advantages and disadvantages and can be consciously used to reach specific goals. It’s also normal for us to cycle up and down the spectrum… we rarely hang out at one level all the time.
All new clients begin with an Energy Leadership Index Assessment. We’ll review your results together and create a plan that gets to your core energy, where you can then create real, lasting change.
The ELI Assessment can also be purchased by itself.
Learn more about the ELI Assessment HERE.
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