H3H Training & Coaching
H3H Training


Focused on Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness, each training has incredible individual value. When combined, they create a strong network of skills to support people who are experiencing different levels of an emotional challenge or mental health crisis.

Current Training Offerings:

  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
  • Compassionate Listening ©
  • Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
  • Question Persuade Refer (QPR)

We believe that, as a society, we cannot and should not leave it to just our social workers, therapists and social resource providers to make a difference in someone’s life. Each of us have the ability to make a difference.

H3H Coaching

Health Coaching

Professionally trained and certified in both Life Coaching and Health Coaching, we help people shed weight and live healthier, without dieting, so they can feel better and have more energy for family, work and all that life throws at them.

Our coaching is a unique combination of teaching you how to eat healthy, incorporate exercise, goal setting and most importantly: develop a healthy mindset, design your environment and take control of your life, rather than letting it control you.

If you want to lose weight and live healthier WITHOUT DIETING… This program is for you!


When your motive is to increase self-awareness, gain knowledge, practice new skills with others, improve relationships and/or discover more about leadership without a huge commitment of time and budget – workshops can be great. They are often shorter in duration, easier to fit into work schedules, professional and personal lives, and can still ‘pack quite an impact’.

Examples of some existing workshops are:

  • Identify Your Own Resiliency Skills
  • Create A Strategy For Your Health, on a Budget
  • Explore Personal Values
  • Understand What Influences Your Energy
  • Navigating Conversations in Conflict

For organizations, we can create a custom-crafted workshop for your unique need(s).

Mental + Emotional + Physical

H3H or Head, Heart, Health, reflects our holistic approach to supporting individuals and organizations in achieving their goals. We believe that true success encompasses not only mental, but also emotional and physical well-being.

Our clients and partners come from diverse backgrounds, and we’re here to provide support to both personal clients and businesses alike as they pursue their unique paths towards success and positive impact.

When we collaborate with people like you, whether as a trainer, facilitator or coach, we collectively change what is possible in our lives and in the world. Our shared experience of working together helps us uncover our strengths, opportunities for growth, and the profound impact we can each make during our time on this planet.

We are dedicated to doing what we do because we are committed to helping you do what you do. Our mission is to support you in achieving your goals and making a meaningful difference in the world by addressing the interconnected aspects of head, heart and health.

Jeff and Liz

FREE GUIDE: Simple Steps to Health Eating

Our Approach

Before we begin our work with you, we take the time to truly understand your needs and expectations, so that we can provide you with the best possible support and go above and beyond.

While we take professionalism seriously, we also recognize that beneath our roles in work and family, we are human beings who crave authentic connections. We strive to be genuine, knowing that we’re not always perfect, and we love to share our sense of humor with you. We may be a bit goofy at times and even a little awkward, but we believe that laughter and lightheartedness can foster meaningful relationships.

We genuinely care about you and value your decision to work with us. We are always open to listening, learning, and growing from every experience we have, because we take our commitment to you seriously.

Sometimes Liz is heard to say, “I think we are all trying to create a world that we feel better about living in, and together we are all learning how to be humans we love, respect, and appreciate.” And Jeff sneaks in to add, “But let’s have fun while doing it!”

Meet Our Team

Elizabeth Spitzer

Elizabeth Spitzer

Trainer | Facilitator | Coach

Liz is a certified instructor and trainer with a wide range of expertise, including MHFA, QPR, ASIST, Compassionate Listening, and conflict mediation. Her work focuses on increasing mental health awareness, promoting self-awareness and resilience, strengthening interpersonal skills, and cultivating empathic listening.

Liz approaches training and facilitating with mindfulness, recognizing that everyone has their own wisdom to contribute. Clients appreciate her authenticity and adaptability to meet their needs in the moment. Outside of work, Liz enjoys running, spending time outdoors, creating a cozy home, and volunteering for NAMI. She’s also an active member of Toastmasters International, holding leadership roles within her Club and District 7 Division.

Jeff Spitzer

Jeff Spitzer

Life & Health Coach

Jeff gets you, because he’s like you…
Husband, father and super okay pickleball player who has found a way to balance his sweet tooth, migraines, arthritic neck and other general insults of aging and reckless youth.
Jeff’s journey towards balanced health started 2010, inspired by his kids. Since then, he’s been on a health and fitness winding road that has involved unequal amounts of experimentation, self-education and of course certification!
In H3H, Jeff primarily focuses on that last H – Health. In working with clients to achieve their health goals, Jeff quickly learned that it’s usually not donuts and soda holding people back – it’s their mindset.
Jeff specializes in helping clients uncover and move past the inner blocks that have led to poor eating and lifestyle choices.
That’s where the life coaching comes in: getting underneath the behaviors to the thoughts and emotions that led to the action.
Once you get to the core of the issues, you can then start to solve them, once and for all.
Jeff is currently:

  • Certified Fitness and Nutrition Coach (PN1), Precision Nutrition
  • Certified Professional Coach (CPC), iPEC
  • Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), iPEC

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between training and workshops?

The main difference is that the material presented in the trainings are written and managed by different agencies and are taught to fidelity, with some cultural and organizational needs accounted for in its delivery.
While workshops are entirely created and developed by us and content can be adjusted to suit the unique needs of the group or purpose of the workshop.

Do you deliver your offerings in-person or online?

Depending on the offering, both!

Many of our trainings can be offered online, in-person and sometimes hybrid.

Workshops can be either online or in-person.

Coaching is generally online/phone, but in-person can be arranged for local clients.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

The simplest way to explain this may be in these terms:

  • Goals of Therapy: to take someone from a state of dysfunction to function. Typically long-term and exploratory in process.
  • Goals of Coaching: to take someone from a state of functional to optimal. Typically short-term and focused on a desired outcome.
  • Role of Therapist: to assess, diagnose, create and follow a treatment plan
  • Role of Coach: to challenge, motivate, guide when needed, accountability partner, walk alongside …
Can you travel to conduct onsite training?


We have conducted training for businesses and non-profit organizations in just about every corner of Oregon and Washington.

With the advent of air travel, we can now come to you, wherever you are in the country. 🙂

Client Testimonials

“I haven’t felt this good in such a long time! Working with Jeff was really great because he took the time to understand me… and helped me to lose a total of 15 pounds! He’s been really great and helped me change my eating habits. I say give him a chance! I promise, you will NOT regret it.”

Priscilla B

“Liz is amazing! Her material is awesome, her presentations heartfelt and clear, her ability to flow with people's comments and ideas truly masterful.” (Compassionate Listening)

CL Workshop Participant, 2020

“Not only was Jeff an ‘ear’ (for my fitness challenges)… I really liked his approach of mastering small goals… Jeff approaches nutrition as a healthy lifestyle, rather than a diet. He takes into account personal challenges you have to get you there….”

Liz G

"Just a wonderful interaction with the team. Liz was very personable. I had 2 private meetings with her and [MHFA co-instructor] to plan the training and really appreciate how she was able to listen and incorporate parts that are directly relevant to the work our team does." (MHFA Adult)

Oregon Non-Profit Organization, 2022